jueves, 6 de agosto de 2009

Alternativa al Tren submitted its allegations to the Conselleria de Mobilitat Territori y Ordenació against the reopening of the railway Ar

The association Alternativa al Tren submitted its allegations to the Conselleria de Mobilitat Territori y Ordenació against the reopening of the railway Manacor - Artá.
These allegations relate to the contradictions in the "Strategic Plan for Infrastructure, Transport and Transportation of the Ministry of Public Works" (Plan estratégico de Infrastructuras y Transporte del Ministeri de Foment) the master plan for the regular transport (Pla director de transport de regular viatges per carreteres) of persons and road and the rail plan (Pla de Transport Ferroviari) of the Government of the Balearic Islands. After the basics of the plans, is the Project proposed by the Conselleria de Mobilitat, not coherent (not in line) with the directives and guidelines in the aforementioned basis plans were presented

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