Last week in Hamburg , serveral services were equipped with postres against the plans of the construcion from new roads and railway lines on the island of Mallorca. The selected services are frequently visited by people who love Mallorca (visitors and residents) .
The posters describe the different installations and the new roads which have to be buildt to make possible the reopening from the train path Manacor – Artá . Until now, the government deprived this informations to the citizens and it did not appeared in the newspapers. The german neighbours are dismayed after they were informed about the Project and the consequences with all the newly established infrastructures and all the impacts of the mallorquin landscape .
Since the poster were distributed in Hamburg , the ascociacion Alternativa Al Tren – Xarxa de Mobilitat de Llevant had a lot of accessions of new members.
Aims of Asociación Alternativa al Tren:
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